Sunday, June 19, 2011

Turn It Upside Down

Don't you just adore those snow globe ornaments that you turn upside down and either shake the shit out of, or gently swirl depending on your mood?

You can either have a raging lunatic storm or a gentle peaceful flutter of flakes.....

That's a bit like life.

Life can be what you make of it. Some choose to move through their life course without creating a ripple and just let the calm surf take them on their journey. Others ebb and flow like the crashing waves created by a hurricane, twisting and turning and never knowing what will appear below the surface. Enjoying the apparent adrenaline of the unknown.

Can we have both? Is it possible to make like a snow globe, sitting there perfect and calm most of the time, only to have our world turned upside down and shaken up till its ready to explode, like a bottle of bubbly in the hands of a podium winner, then set it back down on the shelf and watch the chaos turn back to calm?

I think it is, and I think it might be essential to creating a balance in life. We need the chaos to balance out the calm. We all need a bit of yin and yang in our lives.

No one can ride the lows without the highs. Traveling life's journey without the occasional shake up would be downright boring - that shit'll kill ya! Being at full throttle constantly would be exhausting - that shit'll kill ya too!

So from now on, I'm not gonna wince at a little snow storm. I'm gonna grab that snow globe with both hands every so often and just shake it up a little.

Live like its the last day of your life.....sometimes.

Mrs Big Fella

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